Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Entrusted Ones

Once in a while I'm reminded in an almost whisper, of the sacred privilege we are given by God to be a part of His purposes. Afterall, we are only mortal clay who have been put on this earth for a short time, with all our flaws and all our inconsistencies. Yet God himself chooses to partner with us, for both His pleasure and our own.

Alright, before I get into the "woe is me" and the "I am but a worm" speech...let me remind all of us of the confidence that comes when we embrace the truth about our identity in Christ. We are mortal clay. But we are mortal clay that God himself by divine design decided to breath life into, and to make us in His image.

From the very beginning God made us to be his entrusted ones. Entrusted with the very plans and purposes of God.

This past week was probably one of the most difficult ones for me as a children's pastor. On Thursday, I lit a candle of hope for an infant from our congregation, with prayers that his miraculous healing would bring him many more days. On the next Monday I spoke words of comfort to that young baby's family at his funeral, realizing his healing had come in a different way. It was in that moment I realized I had been entrusted. Entrusted not only with the good and happy times that my profession so often brings; but entrusted with the tough and difficult moments that sooner or later everyone faces. Sometimes we wonder how we would cope in the middle of a crisis, or in a situation we only hope to never endure. That's when the awesome Creator breathes life into us once again, and we find new strength where there wasn't before.

What has God entrusted you with? What part of the entrusting did you think he didn't consider when he called you to the place you are today? You are his entrusted one. You are strong enough for today. You are exactly who he made you to be, and he stills trusts you. Just lean on him.