Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vision Vomit

That's what it's been like since I returned to work after being on maternity leave for the past year.  I described it to my husband saying "I've had ideas stirring for the last year and suddenly I'm back to work and I'm spewing vision/new ideas on everyone who crosses my path".  And it's not just for my own department, which is children's ministries.  I've got ideas for women's ministries, missions, prayer meeting.  To be honest, it's ridiculous!  I feel most sorry for the people in my department because they are forced to receive it in huge doses.  Not only am I getting to hear about an entire year's worth of updates from the volunteers and staff I work with, they are receiving a year's worth of dreams, ambition, ideas and enthusiasm.

Funny enough, the vomit must be contagious because people keep listening (not necessarily implementing every idea, but listening).  Those who love vision are excited and the enthusiasm is spreading like a virus...in a good way.

So I thought to myself, since I can't afford to take a year off everytime I need a vision boost,  what lessons can I take away from the renewed passion and vision that comes with a leave of absence?

Here's my top three ways to renew vision for your family, ministry, or life:

1.  Lock yourself away. 
Don't get me wrong.  Being on a mat. leave is in no way like being in prison...except maybe during teething season.  However we all need to make opportunity to be completely unplugged, uninterrupted by work-related deadlines and expectations.  Whether it's for a week's vacation, or an afternoon where no one can find you.

2.  Surround yourself with people you love
The best part of a maternity leave is the time spent with my babies!  There is a time and place for solitude, but being around people you love and who care about you re-energizes you.  Embrace the pure joy of being with non-work related others and allow yourself to grow as a person and gain perspective.

3.  Get in touch with your identity
For me, the time spent not being employed is a gift from God because it forces me to put my identity solely in Him. Who am I apart from what I do or get paid to do?  Of course you don't have to lose your job or go on a leave to take a moment and refocus on who God says you are.   You are a child of God.  You are valued for WHO you are, not just what you can do.

Part of me wishes I could stay in "maternity leave land" forever, but alas our family is now complete.  However the lessons learned are amazing, and it's up to all of us to take moments time and time again to rejuvenate and refocus so that we can give back to others.

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